Corporation Tax Return

Preparing & Paying Your Corporation Tax 

Every limited company based in the UK is subject to corporation tax on their profits. We can assist you with your UK corporation tax compliance obligations.

Corporation tax is paid by UK limited companies and some other organisations. It is based on the annual profits that a company makes. Unlike individuals, companies don't receive any kind of tax-free allowance; therefore, all profits are taxable. However, there are a number of expenses and deductions that can be claimed to reduce your bill.

Companies must submit a company tax return (form CT600) to HMRC once a year. HMRC require all company tax returns to be digitally filed through HMRC's gateway, so the form must be filed online (unless you have a 'reasonable excuse to file a paper form or want to file the return in Welsh). The statutory filing date is 12 months after the year end.

It's also compulsory to pay Corporation Tax electronically. If your company has made a taxable profit of anything up to £1.5m, you'll need to pay the corporation tax within nine months and one day after the end of your accounting year. So, for example, if your accounting year ends on 31 March, your corporation tax payment will be due on 1 January the following year, while your tax return is due three months later. For businesses with a turnover of more than £1.5m, corporation tax must be paid in instalments.

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